
UDYAM , The Entrepreneurship Cell at GGITS pursues the endeavour of sensitizing and fostering entrepreneurship amongst the students at college. E-Cell hosts various workshops, speaker sessions, innovative games, competitions for aspiring entrepreneurs, and support them by providing necessary resources such as seed funding, mentoring consultancy, and networking.

  • Equipping students with skill set and knowledge to embark on the journey of entrepreneurship.
  • Making students aware of the vast pool of resources and networks available to them.

Miles to go on!

“Entrepreneurship is not a sprint it’s a marathon and UDYAM E-Cell prepares students for the same.�?/p>

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Udyam E-cell

Udyam is a remote center of E-cell,IIT Bombay.E-cell is dedicated to help young student's magifest there latent Enterpreneurial spirit.


These factors combined growing interest towards startups and "startup model", together with wast knowledge sharing and social media tools and channels, have made the collective learning and iterative refining process of “what makes a good or potential startups�?and ongoing and further accelerating process.


We are in perfect phase of life where we don't have to worry about failure, ready to take risk. With all the productive mind sets with lots of popping up ideas, creative ideas. All we wanna do is provide you a platform filled with certain opportunities.


Our mission is to help the aspiring entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses by creating a pathway of various opportunities like interactive sessions with professionals, business competitions. Aims to convert feasible ideas into actual business propositions which will add value to individual as well as benefit the nation.


  • A team spirit and shared sense of community for innovative.
  • To make youth aware of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem.
  • Accountability towards work and progress with planning and execution of smart goals.
  • Integrity and Respect with strong moral and professional ethics to generate goodwill.
  • Opportunities

    E-Cell, IIT Bombay has launched several initiatives for budding entrepreneurs in IIT Bombay and other colleges across India. It targets to help in the evolution of India's entrepreneurial ecosystem by enabling easy and efficient interaction between its major components spanning students, working professionals, aspiring and existing entrepreneurs, mentors, angel investors, venture capital firms and corporates through events like interactive sessions, competitions and conferences.

    After Movie


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    For more information or any queries leave us a message.